To reset your MT4 login password, follow these steps:
1. Please login to Client Portal. At the bottom of the homepage, find the corresponding account and click "🔐."
2-1 Change Password: Click "Change Password." Fill in the current password and new password in the corresponding fields and click "Change Password."
*Please note that Password format must be between 8-16 characters and a combination of letters (a-z) and (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and special characters (e.g., !@#$%^&).
2-2 Forgot Password: After completing login client portal, click "Forgot Password." If you see this web-page, it indicates that the MT4 password reset email has been sent to your email, please check your inbox.
Open your registered mailbox, search the email titled "Reset Account Password", and click the reset password link in the email. Fill in your new password then click "Submit." If you see this web-page, it means your MT4 password has been successfully reset.
*Please note: Password format must be between 8-16 characters and a combination of letters (a-z) and (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and special characters (e.g., !@#$%^&*).