Please visit our account registration page. Follow the prompts on the page to enter your personal information.
Once you have entered your email address, click on "Send Code" at the end of the "Email Verification Code" field. A code will be sent to your registered email address. Please note that the verification code is valid for 20 minutes. If you do not receive it in time, please check the spam or junk folder.
Carefully read the Ultima Markets Privacy and Security Policy in the information box and check the box to indicate your agreement.
Click "Create Account." If your information is complete and correct, the system will automatically redirect you to the "Client Portal" after your initial click on "Create Account." If you are not automatically redirected, please check for any error messages on the page. Additionally, your "Client Portal" password will be sent to your registered email address when you click "Create Account." You can log in to the website using your registered email and the password provided.
Once inside the "Client Portal," follow the instructions to complete the required identity verification (KYC).
In the "Step 1 - Account Opening" section, click on "Create Now" and fill in the required personal identification information as prompted. After confirming the accuracy of the information, click "Confirm" to submit.
Based on your trading needs, select the "Account Type" and "Account Currency" you wish to open. Thoroughly read all account opening documents, including the Client Service Agreement, and check the box to agree. Click "Confirm" again to complete the submission of your account application."
While waiting for the review of personal information, click on "ID Verification" to complete "Step 2 - ID Authentication."
Fill in the required information accordingly and upload your document. After confirming the accuracy of the information, click "Confirm" to submit.
Please note that your name must match the uploaded documents and be clearly visible.
Proof of Identity (Choose one) : ID Card Front and Back / Passport / Driver's License
While waiting for ID verification, click on "Back to Client Portal."
On the "Authentication" page, select "Start" at "Step 3 - POA Authentication."
Fill in the required information accordingly and upload your document. After confirming the accuracy of the information, click "Confirm" to submit.
Please note that your name must match the uploaded documents and be clearly visible. If the ID verification document you uploaded previously includes proof of address, you can upload the same document in the 'POA Authentication'.
Proof of Address (Choose one) : Utility Bill / Bank Statement / Residency Proof (within the last 6 months)
After the audit is completed, you will receive an email notification of the ID & POA results.